Skill Tree Calculator
There are three Skill Trees in The Elder Scrolls: Blades - the Spells, the Perks, and the Abilities trees. The Spells tree focusses on magic spells that cost Magicka to cast, while the Abilities tree focusses on weapon and shield attacks and dodges. The Perks tree gives you a number of different perks, including damage bonuses to spell types, attack bonuses to weapon types, and the ability to carry more equipment.
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How to use this tool
The skill tree above is directly as it appears in the game. Simply click on a spell to increment its level, and right-click to remove a level. If you are on a mobile device, long-press to remove a skill level. The tooltip will display when you hover over a skill, displaying information about the skill, how many skill points it requires, and what level is needed.

The bar at the bottom updates automatically as you add and remove skills, and displays which level you must be to have learnt all the selected skills. The Skill Points to the right show how many skill points you have used, and how many are left for the required level.
To share or link to your skill build, you can either copy the URL from the address bar, or use the 'Share your build' at the top of the page - just click on the 'Copy link' button and you can paste it where you want.